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Cell-Cell communication



DoubletFinder: Doublet detection in single-cell RNA sequencing data using artificial nearest neighbors
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Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data often encountered technical artifacts called "doublets" which are two cells that are sequenced under the same cellular barcode. Doublets formed from different cell types or states are called heterotypic and homotypic otherwise. These factors constrain cell throughput and may result in misleading biological interpretations. DoubletFinder (McGinnis, Murrow, and Gartner 2019) is one of the methods proposed for doublet detection. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow of DoubletFinder. We use a 10x Genomics dataset which captures peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a healthy donor stained with a panel of 31 TotalSeq™-B antibodies (BioLegend).
Identifying tumor cells at the single-cell level using machine learning - inferCNV
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Tumors are complex tissues of cancerous cells surrounded by a heterogeneous cellular microenvironment with which they interact. Single-cell sequencing enables molecular characterization of single cells within the tumor. However, cell annotation—the assignment of cell type or cell state to each sequenced cell—is a challenge, especially identifying tumor cells within single-cell or spatial sequencing experiments. Here, we propose ikarus, a machine learning pipeline aimed at distinguishing tumor cells from normal cells at the single-cell level. We test ikarus on multiple single-cell datasets, showing that it achieves high sensitivity and specificity in multiple experimental contexts. **InferCNV** is a Bayesian method, which agglomerates the expression signal of genomically adjointed genes to ascertain whether there is a gain or loss of a certain larger genomic segment. We have used **inferCNV** to call copy number variations in all samples used in the manuscript.
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SPOTlight: seeded NMF regression to deconvolute spatial transcriptomics spots with single-cell transcriptomes
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Spatially resolved gene expression profiles are key to understand tissue organization and function. However, spatial transcriptomics (ST) profiling techniques lack single-cell resolution and require a combination with single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) information to deconvolute the spatially indexed datasets. Leveraging the strengths of both data types, we developed SPOTlight, a computational tool that enables the integration of ST with scRNA-seq data to infer the location of cell types and states within a complex tissue. SPOTlight is centered around a seeded non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) regression, initialized using cell-type marker genes and non-negative least squares (NNLS) to subsequently deconvolute ST capture locations (spots). Simulating varying reference quantities and qualities, we confirmed high prediction accuracy also with shallowly sequenced or small-sized scRNA-seq reference datasets. SPOTlight deconvolution of the mouse brain correctly mapped subtle neuronal cell states of the cortical layers and the defined architecture of the hippocampus. In human pancreatic cancer, we successfully segmented patient sections and further fine-mapped normal and neoplastic cell states. Trained on an external single-cell pancreatic tumor references, we further charted the localization of clinical-relevant and tumor-specific immune cell states, an illustrative example of its flexible application spectrum and future potential in digital pathology.
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ADImpute: Adaptive Dropout Imputer
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Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) protocols often face challenges in measuring the expression of all genes within a cell due to various factors, such as technical noise, the sensitivity of scRNA-seq techniques, or sample quality. This limitation gives rise to a need for the prediction of unmeasured gene expression values (also known as dropout imputation) from scRNA-seq data. ADImpute (Leote A, 2023) is an R package combining several dropout imputation methods, including two existing methods (DrImpute, SAVER), two novel implementations: Network, a gene regulatory network-based approach using gene-gene relationships learned from external data, and Baseline, a method corresponding to a sample-wide average.. This notebook is to illustrate an example workflow of ADImpute on sample datasets loaded from the package. The notebook content is inspired from ADImpute's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
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Scanpy is a scalable toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression data built jointly with anndata.


SCANPY integrates the analysis possibilities of established R-based frameworks and provides them in a scalable and modular form. Specifically, SCANPY provides preprocessing comparable to SEURAT and CELL RANGER, visualization through TSNE, graph-d(More)
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